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Linux consulting and support services
Microsoft & Linux Networking
Windows and Linux working in harmony
YES!, Microsoft and Linux can integrate together in any network to provide your company with the services and applications that you
need let it be:
- file servers
- mail servers
- web applications
to boost productivity and optimize your IT budget.
Managed Linux Servers
Linuxcare Canada empowers businesses to leverage Linux and open source by delivering a scalable, high-performance server and
networking foundations for secure enterprise server computing. Built for reliability, Linux offers comprehensive
functionality to power today's networks and meet the ever growing demands of business applications. Linux Consulting for
business and hosting is our primary focus.
Linux support for Business
Linuxcare offers innovative practical Linux solutions
From Networking and internal servers to desktops and file servers, Linux offers businesses the flexibility, usability and
features of a business server or desktop environment such as Windows 2003 Server Enterprise or Windows XP Professional. Whatever the application Linuxcare Canada has the right
solution for you.
Redhat Suse Mandrake Debian Gentoo FreeBSD Solaris Fedora Ubuntu MacOSX
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Linux consulting, Vancouver Canada Sales: 604.518.6695 Terms of use | Privacy Policy
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Linux Security: Linux security audits, System audits, Network audits